Who I am
Nicolò Zagaglia
Gàjole made the wine being my whole life.
But wine has already been my life.
I grew up in a family where the wine was a drink, not a job. But my father has been the classic wine lover who transferred me that passion.
A passion who pretty quick becomes an obsession.
Then I graduated in Enology in Ancona, I attended sommelier courses and I’ve paid my dues with hard work.
But it’s in 2020 that the big occasion came. I decided to do a grape harvest in New Zealand and the gates of opportunities suddenly come to me: they offer me three jobs in a week, all with big career opportunities which in Italy are just an illusion.
I could stay there and do a career 24 hours far from Matelica, my home, but my ambition to make myself on a tough and not meritocratic field as the Italian wine one drives me to start something new, something mine. Something in Matelica, my home.
I was 25 when I established Gàjole.
I’ve been almost 26 when I produced my first bottle: M, organic Verdicchio di Matelica DOC.
Today my story begins.